Rail construction

Ensuring that Colas employees and third parties conduct themselves in an ethical manner is essential to upholding the Group’s values. Colas has reinforced its compliance culture by identifying risks of corruption and of human rights violations, continually raising awareness of ethics and compliance rules, and implementing controls to ensure that procedures are followed correctly.

Road roller during sunshine

Identifying risks of corruption and human rights violations and implementing appropriate action plans

After mapping corruption risks, an action plan is drawn up and adapted to each entity. In 2022, this approach was adapted to cover human rights-related risks.

Colas forum

Implementing rules of ethical conduct

After drafting compliance documentation and developing tools and materials to help with the implementation process, training and communication campaigns are launched at all levels of the Group.

Acts or complicity in terms of corruption or anticompetitive practices represent major economic and financial risks, and can jeopardize the company’s reputation. The same is true for human rights violations.

Ensuring that Colas employees and their partners work within the framework of business ethics is a keystone of the Group’s values.

Two womens working together

Applying ethics and compliance procedures

Colas promotes its compliance culture by identifying risks of corruption, anti-competitive practices, and human rights violations, communicating and deploying ethics and compliance rules (code of conduct, procedure manual, training, etc.), implementing ethics and compliance processes and monitoring the extent to which these are respected (digitization of compliance procedures, preventive actions, alerts, controls and sanctions).

Compliance procedures are now available in digital format via the Group’s own e-Comply tool, making it easier to apply them on a daily basis at all Group entities.

Compliance is a driver of continuous improvement. It allows us to set ourselves apart from our competitors.

Whistleblowing hotline

Whistleblowing alert system

Colas promotes the use of a whistleblowing alert system that enables its employees and stakeholders to report any unethical or illegal behavior through an online platform. 

Available in the Group's 18 languages, the system is designed as an addition to existing reporting channels and ensures confidentiality as to the identity of the reporter and the information provided. 

It further strengthens Colas’ commitment to maintaining an exemplary culture of ethics and compliance by protecting whistleblowers via a secure system that complies with applicable regulations. 
To access the Whistleblowing Platform


Men working with computer
Communication campaign dedicated to conflicts of interests

Key Figures

9 803

employees have taken the "Applied Ethics and Compliance" training

9 173

employees were trained in the "Fair Play" serious game