Board of Directors
The Board of Directors sets Colas’ strategic goals and ensures that the company operates smoothly. It strives to promote the creation of long-term value by taking into account the specific social and environmental issues in the Group’s business segments.
The Board of Directors is assisted in the performance of its duties by three Committees: the Audit Committee, the Selection and Compensation Committee and the Ethics and Patronage Committee.
The composition, powers and rules governing the functioning of the Board of Directors are provided in detail in the internal rules and regulations available on the Colas website.
Composition of the Board of Directors
Eight directors serve on the Board of Directors of Colas:
The Board is assisted in the performance of its duties by an Audit Committee, a Selection and Compensation Committee and an Ethics and Corporate Patronage Committee.
The Audit Committee
The Audit Committee meets four times a year to review the consolidated and parent company financial statements in advance of the Board of Directors’ Meetings. Its mission is to assist the Board in guaranteeing the accuracy, reliability and fair presentation of the financial statements and the quality of the information communicated, particularly to shareholders.
Selection and Compensation Committee
The Selection and Compensation Committee review and propose all components of compensation and benefits due or potentially due to the Chairman & CEO, and periodically review issues relating to the composition, organization and functioning of the Board of Directors with a view to making proposals to the latter.
Ethics, CSR and Corporate Patronage Committee
The Ethics, CSR and Corporate Patronage Committee is tasked with reviewing alerts or situations which could present Ethics and Compliance risks and determining actions to be taken. It also reviews patronage and sponsorship contracts for any amount over €20,000.